Keeping Cool Without a Brain Freeze

September 20, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:42 pm

One of the fastest ways to cool off in the summer is to enjoy ice cream, popsicles, or other frozen treats.  But if “you scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream,” the scream may be from an immediate, intense headache, which sometimes is called a “brain freeze.”  The sudden temperature change may irritate the nerves in the roof of your mouth.  These nerves may begin to have spasms, which in turn cause the blood vessels in your brain to dilate rapidly.  The result is an unmistakable, fierce headache.  There are several ways to help alleviate a brain freeze: pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth, slowly sipping lukewarm water, laying your head to the side.  Of course, the best way to avoid a brain freeze is to enjoy your frosty treats more slowly.

Gelato, Sorbet, Sherbet…..what’s the difference?

Gelato originated in Italy and typically includes milk and sugar.  It tends to have a more intense flavor and melts faster than ice cream because it has a denser consistency.  Authentic gelato is made with a forced-air freezer, which is different than a standard ice cream machine.

Sorbet also originated in Italy.  Typically its base is fresh fruit and doesn’t use milk.  Sorbets often are used to cleanse the palate between courses of a meal.

Sherbet can be described as a frozen dessert somewhere between sorbet and ice cream.  It often contains milk, but has a lower milkfat content than ice cream.

Creating a delicious frozen dessert is limited only by your imagination.  Enjoy!!

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