Soaking Up Summer Sun for Healthier Teeth

June 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_donnelly @ 7:06 pm
Young woman sitting outside with mug, enjoying the sun and greenery

As a child, were you ever told that spending time outdoors was good for you? It’s true – at least when it’s nice and sunny. Soaking up the sun for a mere 15 minutes can significantly improve your health, and that goes for your oral health, too!

Now that winter chill and spring showers have given way to summer, it’s the perfect time to think about how some sunlight could benefit your teeth. Keep reading to dive into the details.


Cosmetic Dentistry: A Great Gift for Graduates

May 30, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_donnelly @ 1:01 pm
Female graduate smiling while holding her diploma

If someone in your family is about to graduate, you no doubt want to give them something to mark the occasion. In many cases, one of the best presents you can give them is a more dazzling smile! Cosmetic dentistry can be a great way to reward the graduate in your life for all their hard work. Read on to learn more about just what makes cosmetic dentistry an excellent gift idea and what options are available.  


Invest Your Tax Refund in Better Dental Health

April 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:53 pm

Cash spread out on yellow backgroundTax season is here! If your tax refund has hit your bank account, don’t blow the money on a lavish vacation or big-ticket purchase. Instead, invest in better overall wellness with a trip to your dentist because your oral and general health are connected. Here’s how you can maximize your tax fund to achieve healthy teeth and gums.


How Can I Give My Teeth a Spring Cleaning?

March 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_donnelly @ 8:36 pm
Teeth before and after cleaning

Spring is a great time for new beginnings, and many people commemorate the season by giving their homes or businesses a thorough cleaning. While reorganizing your closet and sweeping under the rugs and furniture are great ideas, taking some time to get your oral hygiene routine up to par can set you up for many years with a beautiful smile. Here’s how to give your teeth a thorough spring cleaning.


What Your Smile Could Say About Your Love Life

February 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_donnelly @ 3:01 am
Young couple smiling

With Valentines Day just around the corner, people are thinking now more than ever about how to make the best impression on others. Whether you’re preparing for a date night or wondering why you don’t have one, people often find themselves thinking about how they come off around this time of year.

One element you may not have considered is your oral health. While most people could probably guess that a beautiful smile is desirable, few people realize just how important it is. Here’s what you should know about the relationship between beautiful teeth and a healthy love life.

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