Dentistry After COVID-19: A Glimpse at Your Next Appointment

May 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_donnelly @ 2:07 pm
A cleaned examination chair at your San Marcos Dentist office

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of our lives, from getting groceries to connecting with family. It’s also had a major impact on how your dentist provides excellent dentistry while keeping you healthy. Your next dental appointment will probably look different than any you’ve had before! Here’s what to expect before, during, and after your first visit with your San Marcos dentist when they reopen.

Before Your Appointment

Your dental team is working hard to keep their practice safe before you even arrive for your visit. Every team member has likely completed additional training on COVID-19 safety protocols and had their temperature checked. Additionally, to ensure everyone who visits the office is healthy, they may call you before your appointment and ask you a series of questions, which could include:

  • Have you recently or are you currently experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, like a fever, dry cough, or shortness of breath?
  • Have you recently been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
  • Are you waiting for COVID-19 test results to see if you test positive?
  • Have You traveled recently?
  • Would you be willing to limit how many family members you bring with you to your appointment to respect social distancing recommendations?

At Your Appointment

Be sure to bring a face covering or mask with you to your appointment if your city or state requires it. When you arrive, you may be asked to wait in your car until your treatment room is ready. This “virtual waiting room” helps reduce how long you’re close to other patients. You may also notice that frequently touched objects like toys and magazines have been removed from the reception area. Additionally, your dentist may be wearing different masks, gloves, coats, or face shields than you’ve seen before.

After Your Appointment

Instead of having your dental work completed over several appointments, your dentist may offer extended sessions in order to get more done in one visit and limit your trips outside. Once your appointment is over, the examination room you were in will be thoroughly cleaned with hospital-grade disinfectants. Disposable tools and PPE will be thrown away and reusable dental instruments will be sanitized with advanced methods before the next patient arrives. Since COVID-19 often doesn’t present symptoms right away, be sure to call your dentist’s office immediately if you begin to develop coronavirus symptoms withing 14 days of your appointment.

COVID-19 may have changed many aspects of dentistry, but it hasn’t changed your San Marco’s commitment to your overall health. If you need to come in for dental care, you can rest assured that they are taking numerous measures to ensure your visit is as safe as possible.

About the Practice

At San Marcos Gentle Dental, our number one concern is the health and safety of our patients, staff, and community. We have always met the highest standards of infection control recommended by the American Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In these unusual times, we have added even more health and safety protocols to ensure our patients receive the excellent care they deserve in a clean, germ-free environment. To learn more about what you can expect at your next appointment, feel free to reach us via our website or at (512) 396-5225.

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