How Excellent Oral Health Helps Your Child Achieve Academic Success!

August 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_donnelly @ 9:08 pm
Child with toothache

All parents want their child to be successful, and many times, this starts with doing well in school. There are numerous things that play a role in helping your child earn the grades that they’re hoping for. One of the factors you may not have considered is their oral health. The healthier your child’s smile is, the more likely they are to succeed in their classes. Continue reading to learn why this is the case and what you can do to ensure that your child is keeping up excellent dental health.

How Does Oral Health Affect Your Child’s Academic Success?

There are a few different ways that oral health has an effect on your child’s performance in school. Here are just a few of them:

Fewer Distractions

When a child is experiencing an oral health problem, it can be both inconvenient and painful. It’s especially difficult for them to focus on school assignments and homework when they are dealing with a nagging toothache. By catching issues before they become serious, you can prevent them from taking a toll on your child’s comfort and success in school.

Fewer Absences

If your child is having dental problems, it’s likely that they will need to be taken out of school more often in order to have them resolved. The more days of school they miss, the more likely they are to fall behind and receive poor grades. By staying on top of their oral health, your child will be more likely to attend school and keep up with the curriculum.

Improved Self-Esteem

It’s common for kids and teens to feel self-conscious. This includes the appearance of their smile. After all, this is a time of a lot of growth. When a child has low self-esteem, they are often times more likely to distance themselves from other students and even refrain from participating in class. By addressing alignment issues or cosmetic imperfections in their smile with their dentist, you can help them achieve the pearly whites that they’re confident to show off when they’re in the classroom.

How Can You Help Your Child Maintain Excellent Oral Health?

  • Ensure that they are brushing twice and flossing once a day. This is crucial to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues.
  • Schedule them a dental appointment every six months for a cleaning and checkup. The dental team will remove plaque and tartar as well as check for preexisting issues. This way, they can be treated before becoming serious and impacting your child’s education.
  • Encourage your child to eat tooth-healthy foods. Stock up on snacks like salted almonds, baby carrots, cheese, yogurt, and apple slices. Limit their consumption of starchy snacks and sugary beverages.

Oral health can have a big impact of your child’s academic performance. Use the tips listed above to help them maintain a healthy smile and be successful in the classroom!

About the Author

Dr. J. Robert Donnelly earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. He is a Master of the Academy of General Dentistry and graduated from the Las Vegas Institute of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is also a proud member of numerous professional organizations, including the Academy of General Dentistry, American Dental Association, and Texas Dental Association. For more information on children’s dentistry or to schedule an appointment at his office in San Marcos, visit his website or call (512) 396-5225.

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