Teeth Whitening Solutions for the Holidays

October 23, 2014

As the holiday season approaches once again we are all interested in looking and feeling our best. This includes making sure that we have a bright white smile. While there are many choices to whiten your teeth, you should know that not all methods will work for everyone. Choosing the wrong teeth whitening system can costs you time and money that you can’t afford to lose this holiday season. Before you attend that holiday office party, or play hostess for your family and friends, make an appointment with Dr. Donnelly and his team at San Marcos Gentle Dental. You can get your bright white back in just one visit. Dr. Donnelly provides fast and easy teeth whitening treatments to patients throughout San Marcos, TX, Kyle, Wimberley, New Braunfels and the surrounding communities.

What Are Your Teeth Whitening Choices?

Whitening Toothpaste- Whitening toothpastes can only polish away the shallowest surface stains. They are completely ineffective for removing enamel stains or correcting discoloration. To see any results the toothpaste must be used daily for several weeks. Whitening toothpastes can’t come close to producing the bleaching effect you get from your dentist’s office.

Over-the- Counter Whitening- These products may come in the form of strips, gels, rinses or whitening trays. They contain bleaching agents to change the color of your teeth; however they’re not as strong as professional teeth whitening treatments. They can also take weeks of daily use before you begin to see any significant color correction. In addition, these products can easily irritate your gums if used improperly.

Instant Holiday Teeth Whitening in San Marcos, TX

You shouldn’t have to wait weeks and weeks to get the teeth whitening results you want. If you want instant results in a professional setting, you should seriously consider in-office bleaching or professional at-home whitening. In-office whitening with the Zoom! teeth whitening system can take less than an hour and you can leave the dentist office with teeth that are 8 to 10 shades whiter. With professional in-office whitening, your dentist will make sure that the teeth whitening treatment will be effective at getting you the whitening results you desire. If you prefer at-home whitening Dr. Donnelly can also provide you with custom whitening trays along with peroxide-based gels that you can take home for the same professional whitening results. Make an appointment with San Marcos Gentle Dental today for your holiday teeth whitening appointment. Dr. Donnelly proudly serves the Kyle, Wimberley, New Braunfels and surrounding areas.

What You Should Know about Pediatric Dental Care

September 23, 2014

178067812The health of your child’s teeth and gums is an important part of their overall health and well being. Though your child will lose their first set of teeth, it’s important to start early to set the foundation for healthy teeth later in life. You can start by choosing an experienced and caring family dentist. Make an appointment with Dr. Donnelly and his team at San Marcos Gentle Dental. Dr. Donnelly proudly serves patients of all ages throughout San Marcos, TX, Kyle, Wimberley, New Braunfels and surrounding communities.

Pediatric Dental Care: Prevention

Your child should start to see a dentist no later than his or her first birthday. Caring for their “baby teeth” should be a top priority because those teeth help children speak clearly and chew naturally. They also aid in forming the path that the permanent teeth follow when they are ready to erupt. After the first appointment, a check-up every six months is strongly recommended to prevent cavities and other dental problems. When your baby’s teeth first appear, you can start brushing them twice daily using a fluoridated toothpaste and a soft, age-appropriate toothbrush. You should use a smear of toothpaste to brush the teeth of a child less than 2 years of age, and a pea-sized amount of toothpaste for a  2-5 year old with assistance brushing. Remember that your child does not have the ability to brush their teeth independently at this age.

Pediatric Dental Care: Treatment

Dentists now have advanced diagnostic tools like DIAGNOdent to help them to catch decay earlier than ever before. As your child grows you should limit their daily servings of sugars and starches to protect their teeth from decay. The dentist can place dental  sealants on your child’s teeth. Dental sealants work by filling in the crevasses of the chewing surfaces of the teeth. This shuts out cavity causing food particles that could get caught in the teeth, . The application is fast, comfortable, and can effectively protect their teeth for many years. If your child participates in sports activities, the dentist can also fit a custom mouthguard to protect your child’s teeth, lips, cheeks and gums from sports-related injuries. A custom-fitted mouthguard developed by a dentist can also protect your child from injuries to the head, like concussions. If your child has developed a prolonged thumb sucking habit (past the age of three) a mouth appliance may also be recommended by your dentist to prevent the formation of a misaligned bite in adolescence.

Quality Pediatric Dental Care in San Marcos, TX

No matter how attentive you are to your child’s dental health, injuries and accidents can happen. Make sure you’re prepared by having a family dentist like Dr. Donnelly on hand to fix any dental emergencies your child may encounter. The health of your family’s teeth is a top priority for you, and should also be a top priority for your dentist.  Your whole family will appreciate Dr. Donnelly’s gentle and caring approach to dentistry.   Make an appointment today for his San Marcos, TX  dental office today. Dr. Donnelly proudly serves patients throughout  Kyle, Wimberley, New Braunfels and surrounding areas.

Straighten Your Smile Seamlessly with Invisalign

August 5, 2014

177000598With many forms of treatment, a lot of people want to be as discreet as possible. Though some people like a noticeable change in their transformation, many opt for a more subtle form of treatment. Many people feel that way with their hair, nails, and, most importantly, their smile. If you have a misaligned smile, you may be been turned away from the idea of braces because you do not want to live with a mouth full of metal. Fortunately, there is a way for you to get the perfectly aligned smile you have been wanting while being discreet using Invisalign with Dr. J. Robert Donnelly.

Invisalign is a wonderful piece of dental technology that is able to transform smiles every day. Using a series of aligning trays, Invisalign trays sit nearly invisibly on your teeth, allowing you to get the orthodontic treatment you deserve while also looking like your natural self. Each tray is indicative of a stage in your straightening process. You wear a tray for a certain amount of time, and when you are ready to begin the next phase, simply apply the next tray in the series. Simple and convenient, Invisalign is an excellent way to achieve the smile you want without compromising your appearance.

A wonderful aspect about Invisalign is the fact that you are able to achieve greater oral health while going through your treatment. Whenever you need to brush, floss, eat, or drink, you simply remove the aligning tray and reapply when necessary. Also, there are no restrictions as to what you can and cannot eat with Invisalign. Having freedom in your orthodontic treatment is a wonderful aspect of Invisalign, and we invite you to experience the amazing results for yourself! If you would like Dr. Donnelly’s help in achieving a beautifully straight smile, contact our office today!

If you are ready to schedule your appointment with Dr. J. Robert Donnelly, please call us today, and we will be more than happy to help! We are able to take care of whatever general, cosmetic, and restorative dental need you may have. Dr. Donnelly sees patients from San Marcos, Kyle, Wimberley, New Braunfels, and the surrounding communities.

Achieve A Natural Smile with Tooth-Colored Fillings

July 7, 2014

shutterstock_99705527In many cases, when people have any work on themselves done, they would like for the results to look as natural as possible. Whether it is their hair, nails, or some sort of cosmetic procedure, the person may not want to look completely different, but simply better versions of themselves. Many people have that same mentality when it comes to their dental work. In cases such as teeth whitening, porcelain veneers and the like, our patients like to look as organic as possible. When it comes to fillings, you may find it difficult to feel secure in your smile if you have metal in your smile. Dr. J. Robert Donnelly and Dr. Gustavo O. Leal understand the importance of wanting to have a beautiful smile, and they are able to give their patients what they want using tooth-colored fillings.

With tooth-colored fillings, your smile is able to look brand new, natural, and beautiful. Metal fillings, or amalgam fillings, can be toxic to your bodies we well as unappealing to the eye. When left to sit in your mouth, amalgam fillings release toxins that are then able to go through your body.  Tooth-colored fillings are more durable than amalgam fillings, and they are able to match your existing smile exactly. We are able to create a composite resin, helping you achieve the look you are wanting. Also, with tooth-colored fillings, we are able to retain a lot more of your natural tooth structure. By doing this, not only will your smile look more natural, but it will be more natural in every sense.

Amalgam fillings can change its shape depending on the temperature of your mouth, which leaves the possibility of it expanding, cracking your tooth, and inviting bacteria to make your smile its new home. The composite resins we use to make your tooth-colored fillings are more flexible and effectively adhere to your tooth. There are
any benefits to tooth-colored fillings, and we want you to be able to reap all of them! Call and make an appointment today, and we will be glad to help you achieve the natural smile of your dreams!

If you are ready to schedule your appointment with Dr. J. Robert Donnelly, please call us today, and we will be more than happy to help! We are able to take care of whatever general, cosmetic, and restorative dental need you may have. Dr. Donnelly sees patients from San Marcos, Kyle, Wimberley, New Braunfels, and the surrounding communities.

Welcome Summer with A New Smile with Porcelain Veneers!

June 11, 2014

shutterstock_192589115One of the biggest things people are doing right now is preparing for summer. Whether it is getting their hair done or buying all of the food to make for the perfect outdoor barbeque, everyone is excited to finally be able relax and have some fun in the summer sun! One thing people may be overlooking is getting their smiles ready for the season! If you have crooked, misaligned, chipped, or stained teeth, you may feel as though your smile will never be exactly the way you want it. There is no doubt you will meet many new people and reconnect with old friends this summer, and you may find it important to look the best you can. Fortunately, our Dr. J. Robert Donnelly is able to give you the smile of your dreams thanks to porcelain veneers.

The start to getting your porcelain veneers begins with a consultation with Dr. Donnelly. There, he will be able to fully assess your smile in its current state, as well as ask you about your future goals regarding your smile. This will also give you the chance to address any questions or concerns you may have, as we want you to be fully informed throughout the entire procedure. Once it is determined that you are a candidate, that is where the fun and excitement!

Your natural tooth is prepared for your porcelain veneers by removing a small bit of enamel. This way, we are sure your mouth has enough space for your new smile! Your custom made porcelain veneers are then added, and are made permanent with dental resin cement. A simple procedure, but at the end, you are left with a completely new smile that anyone would be proud of showing off! If you are curious as to how we can help give your smile the makeover you deserve just in time for summer with porcelain veneers, make an appointment today, and the entire San Marcos Gentle Dental team will be glad to help!

If you are ready to schedule your appointment with Dr. J. Robert Donnelly, please call us today, and we will be more than happy to help! We are able to take care of whatever general, cosmetic, and restorative dental need you may have. Dr. Donnelly sees patients from San Marcos, Kyle, Wimberley, New Braunfels, and the surrounding communities.

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